Students of Cathedral International School win with distinction ECO-Contest By Banco Popular and CEDAF. Students from 10th and 11th grade won third place in the competition ¡Soy Eco eficiente !. In the theme of renewable energy. They participated in the second version of the educational program of Banco Popular and the Center for Agricultural and Forestry Development (CEDAF). This contest was held in more than fifty schools worldwide, collecting innovative proposals on efficient waste management, water, and electricity. This contest encourages research, creativity, and teamwork. In addition to the certificate, they won ( R.D$ 25,000) to implement their project in the school’s facilities. The participants were Julio Paez, Karla Marcelo, Ámbar Ortega, Isar Mella, Nicole Santos, Karla De la Cruz, and Cristian Gómez, led by science teacher Miss Jany Peña